The Artist Harvest Farm Dance marked the opening of our pilot garden at First Friday. If you didn’t make it this time, you will most certainly want to be sure you make it out to our next event!
Before the sun went down, Artist Harvest provided a fun opportunity for artists, performers and even farmers to showcase their wares in the alley between Village Café and the Innovation Underground. The evening started out with some square dancing lessons. Turns out square dancing isn’t just for grandma anymore and, yes, we all learned some really awesome moves!

This was a hard act to follow but the Aggie Wranglers really impressed! They earned whoops and hollers and left us pretty sure that we’ll life the flipping and flopping to the pros.

Throughout the evening and entertainment, the pilot garden was open for people to stroll through and get a good look at some of the planting techniques that we put into place. On display were raised bed gardens, pallet gardens, our pallet wall, the window box garden and the crowd pleasing mason jar trim garden.

We hope that you got a chance to peruse before the Farm Dance started at 9:00 because once that got going, there wasn’t much room to look around. As the evening progressed, the garden lights brightened and the crowd grew. We absolutely loved having so many people looking and appreciating all of our hard work! If you saw any techniques that you’re interested in using at your own home you should look around the blog to see if the how-to has been posted. If it isn’t posted yet, it will be soon so keep checking back. Better yet, subscribe to our blog and you’ll receive email updates as we post new ideas.
At 9:00 the Artist Harvest event wound down and the Farm Dance began! Local artists provided live music and provided a glimpse to the full dance party potential of the garden patio. Garrett Snowden got the crowd on their feet and wrapped up the night.

We absolutely loved seeing people enjoying their time and making memories in the garden. Please plan to join us for the next event. Plans are underway for more garden events. Or, you can consider having an event of your own. The garden is available for rent for private events so contact us if you need more information.
BIG THANKS to the students at Farmers Fight and Downtown Bryan Association for all the work that went into the first Artist Harvest and the always wonderful First Friday. The opening of the pilot garden was great thanks to the entire community!
See you soon in the garden!